Editing Services
If you would like help proofreading or editing something you have written, contact me at paulwtrammell@hotmail.com. After looking at a sample, we can discuss the price. My rates are very competitive.
I am also open to co-writing books.
Currently, I am co-writing a book with Tapio Lehtinen about his 2022 Golden Globe Race, in which his boat sank.
In 2022, I published "On a Belt of Foaming Seas," which I co-wrote with Tapio Lehtinen, Ari Pusa, and Barry Pickthall about Tapio's experiences in the 2018 Golden Globe Race.
Below are some works I have edited, and reviews of my editing.
Some works I have edited
Le Grand K
Kristin Durfee
74,605 words
Some Noxx and a few Other Things
Sci Fi
Short story, edited twice
Thanks Paul, I appreciate all your comments and suggestions, I think the story is much
better because of your help.
:) Chip
Kat Mysteries Vol. 1
Veronica Burget
Crime Mystery
30,000 words
Thanks! I appreciate your suggestions especially with grammar which is not my strongest suit. Sara’s secret was a red herring. I’ve actually already written the 2nd in the series and I’m working on the third. It’s the novel I referred to in the post. If you’re interested in reading that one too I’d be happy to get the feedback.
Kat Mysteries, Vol2
Crime Mystery
64,021 words
Your edits were very helpful. Thank you for taking the time to review and edit both of my documents. When I finish my third book in the series I would definitely use you again.
Revelations, Shadows Fall
Ingrid Wright
YA fantasy/horror
20270 words
The notes you gave were very helpful. You caught things that I might not have caught until my fourth or fifth revision which saves me time so thank you. Your suggestions for plot and character development were also very helpful and I will definitely take them into account when I go back to add more detail. You do a good job giving constructive feedback without being condescending. Thank you for the time you took reading through this.
A Wizard’s Dream,
Hrvoje Butkovic
134,565 words
Thank you for putting in the time and the effort to edit my lengthy novel with its unconventional writing style. Not only the usual grammar checks, but pointing out all the areas of confusion, modern phrases that don't fit the tone, and even finding a way to improve a crucial scene, have all been invaluable.